Expat Point assists expat individuals and their families with the highest standard of quality and expertise in the process of obtaining their visas, work permits, renewals, and other immigration requirements.

We are pleased to become your Immigration one stop. Our specialists coordinate with Mexican migratory authorities the progress of your applications, taking care of all paperwork and related procedures until the process is complete.
ExpatPoint provides high quality service and expertise in assisting assignees and their families to obtain their visas and work permits, renew documents and complete any other immigration requirements.
Consider us your immigration one-stop-service. We provide guidance from beginning to end of the process, facilitate all related procedures and minimize the action required by the assignees. Our specialists coordinate with the Mexican migratory authorities, monitor the progress of assignees’ applications and take care of all paperwork and related procedures until the process is complete.
The service includes:
- Specialized Immigration and legal counseling.
- Gathering and reviewing of all needed documents.
- Management and preparation of application documents.
- Management and coordination of the necessary translations, certifications and/or apostilles.
- Monitoring and follow up throughout the complete process.
- In situ support if needed.
- Renewal reminder 45 days before the expiry date of each migratory permit.
- Point of contact for immigration issues and legal support.
- Execution times for application resolution or process authorization are subject to the Immigration Authority’s time and schedule.